张加勇,男,浙江温岭人,教授,博士。1998年毕业于安徽大学微生物学专业,获理学学士学位;1998.9-2002.6 浙江温西中学任教;2002.9-2005.6 南京师范大学尊龙凯时平台入口就读硕士,研究方向:昆虫分类与分子系统学,硕士导师:宋大祥院士、周开亚教授;2005.9-2008.6南京师范大学尊龙凯时平台入口就读博士,研究方向:昆虫分类与分子系统学,博士导师:宋大祥院士、周开亚教授;2008.7-至今,浙江师范大学生化学院任教。同年入选浙江师范大学优秀中青年骨干教师。
l 主要从事石蛃目昆虫分类和系统地理、动物分子进化(如昆虫翅的起源、两栖爬行动物的进化)和分子杂交理论的研究;
l 耐低温动物的线粒体基因组和耐低温核基因研究(与加拿大卡尔顿大学合作)
l 参与中欧合作项目“中国亚热带森林生物多样性与生态系统功能实验研究(BEF-China)”子项目“食草昆虫对森林生态系统的影响机制研究”;
l 线粒体基因组结构重排特点、基因表达和机制研究 (以昆虫和蛙类为材料)
l 核基因组的测序与进化分析(以昆虫为材料)
螳螂目比较线粒体基因组学研究 (省自然科学基金项目, 2018.01-2020.12, 9万,主持)
石蛙规模化养殖关键技术研究及示范 (浙江省公益性技术应用研究计划项目,2011C22006,2011.1-2013.12,20万,主持);
中国石蛃科昆虫的分类与系统发生研究 (国家自然科学基金青年基金项目,31000966,2011.01-2013.12,19万,主持) ;
北美大鳄龟种系资源、分子标记及药用价值开发 (金华市科技局2010-2-012,2010.1-2012.12,3万,主持)
近年发表的主要论文(*,为通讯作者)其他相关论文见英文主页 https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Jia-Yong_Zhang:
1. SP Ye, H Huang, RQ Zheng*, JY Zhang*, G Yang, SX Xu. 2013. Phylogeographic Analyses Strongly Suggest Cryptic Speciation in the Giant Spiny Frog (Dicroglossidae: Paa spinosa) and Interspecies Hybridization in Paa. PLoS ONE.e70403.
2. Y Ma, K He, PP Yu, DN Yu, XF Cheng, Zhang JY*, 2015. The complete mitochondrial genomes of three bristletails (Insecta: Archaeognatha): the paraphyly of Machilidae and insights into archaeognathan phylogeny,PLoS ONE 10(1): e0117669.
3.Yu DN, Zhang JY*, Li P, Zheng R, Shao C 2015. Do Cryptic Species Exist in Hoplobatrachus rugulosus? An Examination Using Four Nuclear Genes, the Cyt b Gene and the Complete MT Genome. PLoS ONE 10(4): e0124825.
4. Xue-Fang Cheng, Le-Ping Zhang, Dan-Na Yu, Kenneth B. Storey, Jiayong Zhang* 2016. The complete mitochondrial genomes of four cockroaches (Insecta: Blattodea) and phylogenetic analyses within cockroaches, Gene 586:115-122
5. Jiayong Zhang, Helge Bruelheide, Xufei Chen, David Eichenberg, Wenzel Kröber, Xuwen Xu, Liting Xu, Andreas Schuldt* (2017) Tree diversity promotes generalist herbivore community patterns in a young subtropical forest experiment, Oecologia 183:455–467
6. Zhang Le-Ping, Yu Dan-Na, Kenneth B. Storey, Cheng Hong-Yi, Zhang Jia-Yong * (2018) Higher tRNA gene duplication in mitogenomes of praying mantises (Dictyoptera, Mantodea) and the phylogeny within Mantodea. International Journal of Biological Marcomolecules. 111:787-795.
7. Jia-Yong Zhang, Le-Ping Zhang, Danna Yu*, Kenneth B. Storey, Rong-Quan Zheng (2018) Complete mitochondrial genomes of Nanorana taihangnica and N. yunnanensis (Anura: Dicroglossidae) with novel gene arrangements and phylogenetic relationship of Dicroglossidae. BMC Evolutionary Biology. 18:26.
8.Le-Ping Zhang, Yin-Yin Cai, Dan-Na Yu, Kenneth B. Storey, Jia-Yong Zhang* (2018) Gene characteristics of the complete mitochondrial genomes of Paratoxodera polyacantha and Toxodera hauseri (Mantodea: Toxoderidae). PeerJ. 6: e4595.
9.Gao X, Cai Y, Yu D, Storey KB, Zhang JY. (2018) Characteristics of the complete mitochondrial genome of Suhpalacsa longialata (Neuroptera, Ascalaphidae) and its phylogenetic implications. PeerJ.5914.
10. Le-Ping Zhang, Yue Ma, Dan-Na Yu, Kenneth B. Storey, Jia-Yong Zhang* (2019) The mitochondrial genomes of Statilia maculata and S. nemoralis (Mantidae: Mantinae) with different duplications of trnR genes. International Journal of Biological Marcomolecules. 121: 839-845.
11. Jia-Yong Zhang*, Bryan E. Luu, Dan-Na Yu, Le-Ping Zhang, Rasha Al-attar, Kenneth B. Storey. (2019) The complete mitochondrial genome of Dryophytes versicolor: Phylogenetic relationship among Hylidae and mitochondrial protein-coding gene expression in response to freezing and anoxia. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules. 132: 461-469.
12. Cai Y-Y, Shen S-Q, Lu L-X, Storey KB, Yu D-N, Jia-Yong Zhang*. (2019). The complete mitochondrial genome of Pyxicephalus adspersus: high gene rearrangement and phylogenetics of one of the world’s largest frogs. PeerJ 7:e7532
13. Wang J, Dai X-Y, Xu X-D, Zhang Z-Y, Yu D-N, Storey KB, Jia-Yong Zhang*. (2019). The complete mitochondrial genomes of five longicorn beetles (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae) and phylogenetic relationships within Cerambycidae. PeerJ 7:e7633.
14. Xu XD, Jia Y, Cao S, Zhang Z, Storey KB, Yu DN, Zhang JY*. 2020. Six complete mitochondrial genomes of mayflies from three genera of Ephemerellidae (Insecta: Ephemeroptera) with inversion and translocation of trnI rearrangement and their phylogenetic relationships. PeerJ 8:e9740
15. Zhang, Z. Y., Guan, J. Y., Cao, Y. R., Dai, X. Y., Storey, K. B., Yu, D. N., Zhang, J. Y*. (2021). Mitogenome Analysis of Four Lamiinae Species (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae) and Gene Expression Responses by Monochamus alternatus When Infected with the Parasitic Nematode, Bursaphelenchus mucronatus. Insects, 12(5), 453.
16. Xu, X. D., Guan, J. Y., Zhang, Z. Y., Cao, Y. R., Storey, K. B., Yu, D. N., Zhang, J. Y*. (2021). Novel tRNA gene rearrangements in the mitochondrial genomes of praying mantises (Mantodea: Mantidae): Translocation, duplication and pseudogenization. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules. 185: 403-411.
17. Yu, D. N., Yu, P. P., Zhang, L. P., Storey, K. B., Gao, X. Y., Zhang, J. Y*. (2021). Increasing 28 mitogenomes of Ephemeroptera, Odonata and Plecoptera support the Chiastomyaria hypothesis with three different outgroup combinations. PeerJ, 9, e11402.
18. Guan, J. Y., Zhang, Z. Y., Cao, Y. R., Xu, X. D., Storey, K. B., Yu, D. N., Zhang, J. Y*. (2021). The complete mitochondrial genome of Choroterpes (Euthralus) yixingensis (Ephemeroptera: Leptophlebiidae) and its mitochondrial protein-coding gene expression under imidacloprid stress. Gene, 145833.
19. Xu, X. D., Guan, J. Y., Zhang, Z. Y., Cao, Y. R., Cai, Y. Y., Storey, K. B., Zhang, J. Y*. (2021). Insight into the phylogenetic relationships among three subfamilies within Heptageniidae (Insecta: Ephemeroptera) along with low-temperature selection pressure analyses using mitogenomes. Insects, 12(7), 656.
20. Guan, J. Y., Shen, S. Q., Zhang, Z. Y., Xu, X. D., Storey, K. B., Yu, D. N., & Zhang, J. Y*. (2021). Comparative Mitogenomes of Two Coreamachilis Species (Microcoryphia: Machilidae) along with Phylogenetic Analyses of Microcoryphia. Insects, 12(9), 795.
21. Xu, K. K., Chen, Q. P., Ayivi, S. P. G., Guan, J. Y., Storey, K. B., Yu, D. N., & Zhang, J. Y*. (2021). Three Complete Mitochondrial Genomes of Orestes guangxiensis, Peruphasma schultei, and Phryganistria guangxiensis (Insecta: Phasmatodea) and Their Phylogeny. Insects, 2021, 12(9): 779.
22. Ayivi, Sam P.G., Yao Tong, Kenneth B. Storey, Dan-Na Yu*, and Jia-Yong Zhang*. (2021). The Mitochondrial Genomes of 18 New Pleurosticti (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae) Exhibit a Novel trnQ-NCR-trnI-trnM Gene Rearrangement and Clarify Phylogenetic Relationships of Subfamilies within Scarabaeidae. Insects, 12(11): 1025.
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