朱平阳,男,1984年生,浙江缙云人,博士,“双龙学者”特聘教授,硕士生导师。2009 年6 月毕业于中国海洋大学环境科学专业,获学士学位。2012 年6 月毕业于浙江师范大学生态学专业(与浙江省农科院联合培养),获硕士学位。2020 年毕业于澳大利亚Charles Sturt University 农业生态学,获博士学位。2011 年12 月至2012 年2 月,国际水稻所(IRRI)为期3 个月的合作研究。2012 年7 月至2020 年12 月金华市植物保护站(院士专家工作站)工作。2021 年1 月至今, 浙江师范大学“双龙学者”特聘教授。主要从事水稻病虫害生态控制技术研究与示范工作,先后承担完成10 余项国际合作、国家和省级项目在金华的试验研究和技术验证,主持或承担浙江省农业厅推广项目、金华市科技项目及金华市先进实用项目等5 项。已发表论文20 余篇,SCI论文11 篇,发表在Insect Science上的论文,被授予该期刊2016 年度最高引用论文。参与编著中英文书4 本;参与编写地方标准4 个。作为主要完成人集成的“水稻害虫生态控制技术”,被农业部列为全国农业主推技术,在全国示范推广。作为主要完成人获浙江省科技进步二等奖1 项,三等奖1 项,浙江省农业丰收二等奖1 项。先后获金华市青年科技奖、金华市321专业技术人才培养工程第二层次人才等称号。
Pingyang Zhu, Xusong Zheng, Hongxing Xu, Anne C. Johnson, Kong Luen Heong, Geoff M. Gurr, Zhongxian Lu. Nitrogen fertilization of rice plants improves ecological fitness of an entomophagous predator but dampens its impact on prey, the rice brown planthopper, Nilaparvata lugens. Journal of Pest Science, 2020, 93: 747–755.
Pingyang Zhu, Xusong Zheng, Hongxing Xu, Anne C. Johnson, Kong Luen Heong, Geoff M. Gurr, Zhongxian Lu. Nitrogen fertilizer promotes the rice pest Nilaparvata lugens via impaired natural enemy, Anagrus flaveolus performance. Journal of Pest Science, 2020, 93: 757–766.
Pingyang Zhu, Xusong Zheng, Gang Xie, Guihua Chen, Zhongxian Lu, Geoff M. Gurr. Relevance of the ecological traits of parasitoid wasps and nectariferous plants for conservation biological control: a hybrid meta-analysis. Pest Management Science. 2020, DOI: 10.1002/ps.5719.
Pingyang Zhu, Xusong Zheng, Facheng Zhang, Hongxing Xu, Yajun Yang, Guihua Chen, Zhongxian Lu, Anne C. Johnson, Geoff M. Gurr. Quantifying the respective and additive effects of nectar plant crop borders and withholding insecticides on biological control of pests in subtropical rice. Journal of Pest Science, 2018, 91: 575–584.
Pingyang Zhu, Gengwei Wang, Xusong Zheng, Junce Tian, Zhongxian Lu, Kong Luen Heong, Hongxing Xu, Guihua Chen, Yajun Yang, Geoff M. Gurr. Selective enhancement of parasitoids of rice Lepidoptera pests by sesame (Sesamum indicum) flowers. BioControl, 2015, 60: 157-167.
Pingyang Zhu,Zhongxian Lu, Kong Luen Heong, Guihua Chen, Xusong Zheng, Hongxing Xu, Yajun Yang, Nicol HI, Geoff M. Gurr. Selection of nectar plants for use in ecological engineering to promote biological control of rice pests by the predatory bug, Cyrtorhinus lividipennis, (Heteroptera: Miridae). PLoS One, 2014, 9: e108669.
Pingyang Zhu, Geoff M. Gurr, Zhongxian Lu, Kong Luen Heong, Guihua Chen, Xusong Zheng, Hongxing Xu, Yajun Yang. Laboratory screening supports the selection of sesame (Sesamum indicum) to enhance Anagrus spp. parasitoids (Hymenoptera: Mymaridae) of rice planthoppers. Biological Control, 2013, 64: 83-89.
Kai Liu, Pingyang Zhu, Zhongxian Lu, Guihua Chen, Jingming Zhang, Yaobing Lu, Yanhui Lu. Effects of sesame nectar on longevity and fecundity of seven Lepidoptera and survival of four parasitoid species commonly found in agricultural ecosystems. Journal of Integrative Agriculture, 2017, 16: 2534–2546. (共同第一作者)
Zhongxian Lu, Pingyang Zhu, Geoff M. Gurr, Xusong Zheng, Read DM, Kong Luen Heong, Yajun Yang, Hongxing Xu. 2014. Mechanisms for flowering plants to benefit arthropod natural enemies of insect pests: Prospects for enhanced use in agriculture. Insect Science, 2014, 21:1-12. (共同第一作者,2016年度该刊高引论文)
Barrion AT, Pingyang Zhu, Xusong Zheng, Guihua Chen, Zhijian Mei, Zhongxian Lu. Diversity and functional guild composition of rice leaffolder [Cnaphalocrocis medinalis (Guenee), Lepidoptera: Pyralidae] natural enemies in irrigated super hybrid rice and non-rice habitats in China. Asia Life Sciences, 2016, 25:547-563.
Xusong Zheng, Yanhui Lu, Pingyang Zhu, Facheng Zhang, Junce Tian, Hongxing Xu, Guihua Chen, Nansen C, Zhongxian Lu. Use of banker plant system for sustainable management of the most important insect pest in rice fields in China. Scientific Reports, 2017, 7: 45581.
Geoff M. Gurr, Zhongxian Lu, Xusong Zheng, Hongxing Xu, PingyangZhu,et al. Multi-country evidence that crop diversification promotes ecological intensification of agriculture. Nature Plants, 2016: 16014.
朱平阳, Heong KL, Villareal S, 吕仲贤. 氮肥影响节肢动物天敌对褐飞虱种群的自然控制作用. 生态学报, 2017, 37(16): 5542-5549.
朱平阳,郑许松, 张发成, Barrion AT, 徐红星, 杨亚军, 陈桂华, 吕仲贤. 生态工程控害技术提高稻纵卷叶螟天敌功能团的种群数量. 中国生物防治学报, 2017, 33: 351-63.
朱平阳, 郑许松, 张发成, 徐红星, 姚晓明, 杨亚军, 陈桂华, 吕仲贤. 应用生态工程技术控制水稻害虫对水生昆虫数量的影响. 中国水稻科学, 2017, 31: 207-15.
朱平阳, 吕仲贤, ,Gurr GM, 郑许松, Read DM, 杨亚军, 徐红星. 显花植物在提高节肢动物天敌控制害虫中的生态功能. 中国生物防治学报, 2012, 28: 583-588.