王朵朵,博士,1989年出生。博士/博士后,硕士生导师,“双龙学者”特聘教授。 博士毕业于英国诺丁汉大学,在美国佛罗里达大学和康奈尔大学从事博士后研究。2022年加入浙江师范大学开展独立工作。从事番茄,油菜等作物重要农艺性状的分子遗传学研究,重点关注果实成熟软化,植物免疫等生物学过程的分子调控机制,并利用基因编辑技术CRISPR进行作物遗传改良。近年来以第一或通讯作者在Plant Physiology, Molecular Plant, Trends in Plant Science等国际知名刊物发表多篇SCI论文。主持国家自然科学基金。担任SCI期刊The Journal of Horticultural Science & Biotechnology副主编。
[1] Wang D*, Lu Q, Jin S, Fan X, Ling H. Pectin, Lignin and Disease Resistance in Brassica napus L.: An Update. Horticulturae. 2023; 9(1):112. (IF: 2.923)
[2] Wang D*, Kanyuka K, Papp-Rupar M. 2023. Pectin: a critical component in cell-wall-mediated immunity. Trends Plant Science. 28(1):10-13. (IF:22.012)
[3] Wang D*, Jin S, Chen Z, Shan Y, Li L. 2022. Genome-wide identification of the pectin
methylesterase inhibitor genes in Brassica napus and expression analysis of selected members. Frontiers in Plant Science. 13:940284. (IF: 6.627)
[4] Wang D*, Wang X, Ling H, Huang N. 2022. Elucidating the role of SlXTH5 in tomato fruit softening. Horticultural Plant Journal. In Press. (IF: 4.24)
[5] Wang D, Seymour GB*. 2022. Molecular and biochemical basis of softening in tomato. Molecular Horticulture. 2(5) doi.org/10.1186/s43897-022-00026-z.
[6] Wang D*, Yang L, Silva C, Sarwar R, Chen Y, Blanco-Ulate B*. 2022. Pectin-mediated plant immunity. Annual Plant Reviews. 5(1): 55-80.
[7] Wang D, Samsulrizal NH, Yan C, Allcock NS, Craigon J, Blanco-Ulate B, Ortega-Salazar I, Marcus SE, Bagheri HM, Perez Fons L, Fraser PD, Foster T, Fray R, Knox JP, Seymour GB*. 2019. Characterization of CRISPR mutants targeting genes modulating pectin degradation in ripening tomato. Plant Physiology. 179 (2):544-557.(IF: 8.005;高被引)
[8] Wang D, Yeats TH, Uluisik S, Rose JKC, Seymour GB*. 2018. Fruit softening: revisiting the role of pectin. Trends in Plant Science. 23(4):302-310.(IF: 22.012;高被引)
[9] Wang D, Seymour GB*. 2017. Tomato flavor: lost and found? Molecular Plant.10 (6):782-784.(IF: 21.949)
[10] Wang D#, Zhang H#, Wu F, Li T, Liang Y, Duan X*. 2013. Modification of pectin and hemicellulose polysaccharides in relation to aril breakdown of harvested longan fruit. International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 14(12):23356-68.(IF: 6.208)
[11] Heynes X, Wang D, Lu C*. 2022. Plant genome editing: technologies, market ready food crops & regulatory landscape. Annual Plant Reviews. doi.org/10.1002/9781119312994.apr0799
[12] Eid A, Mohan C, Sanchez S, Wang D, Altpeter F*. 2021. Multiallelic, targeted mutagenesis of magnesium chelatase with CRISPR/Cas9 provides a rapidly scorable phenotype in highly polyploid sugarcane. Frontiers in Genome Editing. 3:654996. doi: 10.3389/fgeed.2021.654996
[13] Silva CJ, van den Abeele C, Ortega-Salazar I, Papin V, Adaskaveg JA, Wang D, Casteel CL, Seymour GB, Blanco-Ulate B*. 2021. Host susceptibility factors render ripe tomato fruit vulnerable to fungal disease despite active immune responses. Journal of Experimental Botany. eraa601. doi: 10.1093/jxb/eraa601(IF:7.298)
[14] Zhao Y, Kim JY, Karan R, Jung JH, Pathak B, Williamson B, Kannan B, Wang D, Fan C, Yu W, Dong S, Srivastava V, Altpeter F*. 2019. Generation of a selectable marker free, highly expressed single copy locus as landing pad for transgene stacking in sugarcane. Plant Molecular Biology. 100 (3):247-263.(IF: 4.335)
[15] Uluisik S, Chapman NH, Smith R, Poole M, Adams G, Gillis RB, Besong TM, Sheldon J, Stiegelmeyer S, Perez L, Samsulrizal N, Wang D, Fisk ID, Yang N, Baxter C, Rickett D, Fray R, Blanco-Ulate B, Powell AL, Harding SE, Craigon J, Rose JK, Fich EA, Sun L, Domozych DS, Fraser PD, Tucker GA, Grierson D, Seymour GB*. 2016. Genetic improvement of tomato by targeted control of fruit softening. Nature Biotechnology. 34(9):950-2. doi: 10.1038/nbt.3602.(IF: 68.164)
[16] Xu L, Xue J, Wu P, Wang D, Lin L, Jiang Y, Duan X*, Wei X. 2013. Antifungal activity of hypothemycin against Peronophythora litchii in vitro and in vivo. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry. 61(42):10091-5.(IF: 5.895)
主讲课程: 《Molecular Genetics》;《生物工程下游技术》
研究领域及招生方向:利用分子生物学、遗传学、组学及生物信息学等技术研究作物生长发育和抗逆的分子机制。欢迎感兴趣的学生加盟!Email: duoduo538@zjnu.edu.cn。