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发布日期 :2023-02-11    阅读次数 :39






  1. 国家自然科学基金项目(32100270):水稻细胞分裂素氧化酶OsCKXh调控叶夹角的分子机理研究,2022‒2024,主持。

  2. 浙江省自然科学基金项目(LQ17C020001):细胞分裂素转运蛋白 AtABCG14的转录调控机理研究,2017‒2019,主持。

  3. 浙江省自然科学基金项目(LY22C020003):细胞分裂素转运蛋白OsABCG18调控氮素利用效率的机制和应用研究,2022‒2024,主持。


  1. Zhao, J., Deng, X., Qian, J., Liu, T., Ju, M., Li, J., Yang, Q., Zhu, X., Li, W., Liu, C.-J., Jin, Z., and Zhang, K.* (2023). Arabidopsis ABCG14 forms a homodimeric transporter for multiple cytokinins and mediates long-distance transport of isopentenyladenine-type cytokinins. Plant Communications4,100468.

  2. Huang, P.#, Zhao, J.#, Hong, J., Zhu, B., Xia, S., Zhu, E., Han, P., and Zhang, K.* (2023). Cytokinins regulate rice lamina joint development and leaf angle. Plant Physiology 191,56-69.

  3. Zhao, J.#, Ding, B.#, Zhu, E., Deng, X., Zhang, M., Zhang, P., Wang, L., Dai, Y., Xiao, S., Zhang, C., Liu, C.-J., and Zhang, K.* (2021). Phloem unloading via the apoplastic pathway is essential for shoot distribution of root-synthesized cytokinins. Plant Physiology 186,2111-2123.

  4. Zhao, J., Ju, M., Qian, J., Zhang, M., Liu, T., and Zhang, K.* (2021). A Tobacco Syringe Agroinfiltration-Based Method for a Phytohormone Transporter Activity Assay Using Endogenous Substrates. Frontiers in Plant Science 12, 660966.

  5. Zhao, J., Yu, N., Ju, M., Fan, B., Zhang, Y., Zhu, E., Zhang, M., and Zhang, K.*(2019). ABC transporter OsABCG18 controls the shootward transport of cytokinins and grain yield in rice. Journal of Experimental Botany 70,6277-6291.

  6. Zhao, J., Bi, R., Li, S., Zhou, D., Bai, Y., Jing, G., Zhang, K., and Zhang, W.* (2019). Genome-wide analysis and functional characterization of Acyl-CoA:diacylglycerol acyltransferase from soybean identify GmDGAT1A and 1B roles in oil synthesis in Arabidopsis seeds. Journal of Plant Physiology 242,153019.


E-mail: jzzhao@zjnu.cn

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